We believe in the power of prayer! When life is overwhelming for you or your loved ones and hope and comfort appear unreachable, we are here to remind you of God's faithfulness and promises when we pray. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can confidently cast all of your concerns, anxieties, and worries on Him, knowing that He hears you always and initiates answers and tranquility for your soul and those you care about. No matter what you are facing in this moment let's pray about it! We offer prayer opportunities for your convenience below.
DIRECT MESSAGING @shifttodayministries
Facebook THE SHIFT TODAY APPGet Ready to ShiftPrayer Terms and ConditionsBy sharing your prayer request, you are consenting our prayer team to review and hold your concerns confidently in prayer. At Shift Today Ministries, we value the privacy of others and request that prayer requests on the behalf of others are submitted by their knowledge and consent.