Journaling your inspirations from God's Word can be incredibly therapeutic because it provides a safe, private space to express thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a constructive way.  First, it deepens your understanding of scripture by allowing you to reflect on and internalize its teachings. Second, it helps you apply biblical principles to your daily life, guiding your decisions and strengthening your faith. Third, journaling creates a space for personal connection with God through prayer and gratitude, fostering emotional and spiritual well-being. Lastly, journaling allows you to track your spiritual growth, providing a tangible record of your journey with God. It encourages consistency in Bible reading, enhances mindfulness, and can even inspire others through shared wisdom. Overall, it’s a transformative practice that nurtures a deeper, more intentional relationship with God.

The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.

                                                                                                                                                                                               John 10:27 Amplified Bible

The SOAP Method

There are countless ways to journal your inspirations, but we've chosen a simple yet profound method to help you grow closer to Christ. It’s called The SOAP Method! Jesus has made it possible for you to walk closer to Him, hear His voice, and follow His guidance through His Word. After all, He is the living Word of God! So, take time to journal your inspirations from the Bible and experience the power of reflecting on God's Word in a meaningful way.
Read and select a passage of Scripture that speaks to your heart. Write the chapter and verse and a possible caption that would describe why you choose that particular passage(s).

  • What stood out to me in this text or passage?
  • How does this text speak to my current situation or feelings?
  • What words or phrases resonate with me the most, and why?
  • What context is important to understand about this passage (historical, cultural, or personal)?
  • What does this passage reveal about who I am or who I want to become?

Observe the context, meaning, and key details of the passage. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to you and inquire why He led you to highlight that particular passage(s) and what it says to you.

  • What is the main message or lesson of this passage?
  • How does this passage challenge my current thinking or beliefs?
  • What insights does this passage offer about my values or actions?
  • How does this text connect with other life experiences or lessons I’ve learned?
  • What did I learn about myself through reading this text?

Here is where the adventure and growth begins by taking an intentional action from the insight that you have received. God doesn't want you to be a reader or a hearer only from His Word. He wants you to do something that can transform your life and the lives around you.  

  • How can I apply the lesson from this text to my life today?
  • In what areas of my life do I need to change or grow based on this insight?
  • What specific actions can I take to live out the message of this passage?
  • What habits or mindsets can I shift to align more closely with this teaching?
  • How can I better embody the principles or values highlighted in this text?

Prayer is simply having a conversation with God.  Pray and ask God to help you understand and live out what you’ve learned today.

  • What thoughts or feelings am I bringing to God or to my higher self in this moment?
  • What do I need help with as I try to apply this lesson in my life?
  • How can I invite more peace, clarity, or courage into my daily actions?
  • What am I grateful for after reflecting on this passage, and how can I express that gratitude?
  • What steps will I take this week to continue growing based on these reflections?

These prompts not only guide you through the SOAP method, but also encourage you to apply it to personal growth beyond scripture, such as in your relationships, career, finances, ministries, and overall mindset. By regularly engaging with these reflective prompts, you can gain deeper insights into your life and create meaningful change.