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Proverbs is a manual to live your life right and well.
Proverbs teaches the inexperienced the ropes on reality.
Something here also for mature men and women.
Just one Proverb can guide you to your field of favor.
Proverbs gives you insight to your potential.
Proverbs will keep your feet on tried and true paths.
Proverbs will teach you to run from evil and run to God.
Listening to God's voice is everything.
With wisdom your body will glow with health.
You're blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom.
Lady Wisdom's worth is far more than money.
Lady Wisdom's value exceeds the trappings of wealth.
Wisdom will lead you back to the Tree of Life.
Above all and before all: Get Wisdom!
Wisdom will add years to your life.
Waking in wisdom empowers you inside out.
No good night's sleep comes to the wicked.
The road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker.
Keep watch over your heart, that's where life starts.
Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore sideshow distractions.
Pay close attention and listen carefully to wisdom.
Wisdom will keep you from a life of regrets.
Don't trade real intimacy for cheap thrills.
Death is the award of an undisciplined life.
Don't procrastinate, there's no time to lose.
Remember Jesus had greater wisdom than Solomon.
The wisdom from above is first pure.
The wisdom from above is peace-loving.
The wisdom from above is gentle and willing to listen.
The wisdom from above is full of compassion.
The wisdom from above is unwavering.
The wisdom from above is without hypocrisy.
The wisdom from above treats others with dignity.
The wisdom from above treats others with dignity.