Embrace courage and cast away the spirit of fear! When you are aware of your identity in Jesus Christ and utilize the authority bestowed upon you, you will reject the enemy's deceitful suggestions and falsehoods that lead to anxious thoughts and behaviors. Fear is a cunning force that, when it takes hold of your soul, can prevent you from receiving your inheritance from God. It's time to stand boldly alongside other believers by signing The Fearless Petition. Your digital signature represents your freedom and bold stance to accept God's unconditional love that eradicates all fear.

By signing The Fearless Petition, you pledge to take a courageous stance against fear and put your faith solely in God.  At Shift Today Ministries, we support your decision to stand firm in your faith, and we pray that God will always be with you.

Review the bold statements below and choose your response according to your faith with confidence.